The only people allowed forward of the fence are shooters. Anyone choosing to not follow this simple instruction will be asked to immediately leave the GMBSC event.
The firing line has a limited capacity for Shooters and the line staff must have complete visibility in order to remain safe.
NO SPECTATORS are allowed on the Range Tower at any time. This also includes the stairs.
- Maintain positive control of your firearms, using two hands, at all times.
- No policing your brass while the line is hot. Each shooter is responsible for policing their brass at cease-fire.
- All rifles must be approved prior to use. No cannons allowed on the site.
- Barrels up or downrange at all times. Fingers off the triggers, actions open, magazines out and firearms kept unloaded until you are on the line and ready to shoot.
- Handguns may be holstered, but must remain unloaded, cylinder/chamber empty and magazines out until you are on the line and ready to shoot. If not holstered, then slide locked back or cylinder open so it is obvious to the line officers the firearm is unloaded. Anyone choosing to not follow this simple instruction will be asked to leave the site and not return.
- Eye and ear protection is a requirement on the line at all times…NO EXCEPTIONS.
- When we call a CEASE FIRE, we mean a CEASE FIRE. Clear the firearm and stand back for the line officers to inspect it prior to the line being called COLD.
- The line officers are the boss. If a line officer asks you to do something, please do so without debate. If you have a problem, ask for a meeting with the line boss off the firing line during a cease-fire.
- Keep all rounds in the designated target area with no cross fire…shoot straight.
- Anyone under 18 must be under immediate adult supervision.
- If you have a hang fire, leave it in the chamber for one full minute. If you need assistance, please advise a line officer and keep the barrel pointed downrange.
- No firearm repair allowed on the line. If your firearm is not functioning, please clear it and return it to your vehicle. This will be strictly enforced.
- At no time is anyone other than the designated berm crew allowed down range. This means AT NO TIME! Not even after the shooting is done for the day. Anyone going down range that is not staff will be asked to leave the range immediately. No exceptions.
- Alcohol and drugs are not permitted during the shooting event. Anyone suspected of being under the influence will be asked to leave the range immediately. No exceptions.